What is the SCNAT-IP?
The Supportive Care Needs Assessment Tool for Indigenous People (SCNAT-IP) is an evidence-based tool that has been psychometrically tested (Garvey et al., 2015) to accommodate the language, customs, and culture-specific needs of Indigenous people with cancer.
Feasibility and acceptability of the SCNAT-IP has been pilot-tested in diverse cancer care settings across NSW, Victoria, and the Northern Territory. Results from this study indicate that the tool is acceptable to Indigenous cancer patients and clinical staff and these groups support its continued use and development (Garvey et al., 2015)
The SCNAT-IP tool has been designed to be delivered verbally to the patient and will take around 15 minutes to complete. This tool is a 27-item measure of unmet supportive care needs for Indigenous Australians, asking questions about needs in four domains (physical and psychological, hospital care, information and communication, and practical and cultural). In clinical applications, results can be very quickly scanned to identify moderate to high-need items that require further exploration and possible follow-up.
why use THE SCNAT-IP tool?
The National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Cancer Framework notes quality cancer care addresses the psychosocial, cultural and supportive care needs and preferences of Indigenous people across the continuum of care. The Optimal Cancer Care Pathways (OCPs) recommend the use of a validated screening tool as an important step in assessing needs and providing appropriate supportive care.
In earlier clinical implementation studies of the SCNAT-IP, patient and staff data suggested that the SCNAT-IP helped improve patient-clinician communication; may detect issues not identified by current care protocols; helped establish greater rapport between staff and patient and, may be most appropriate when used early in the treatment trajectory. Furthermore, the majority of Indigenous cancer patients reported that they liked being asked about their unmet supportive care needs.
There is no charge to use the SCNAT-IP tool.